Sangre de Cristo Range from Drive to Top of Royal Gorge-Canon City,Colorado
Santa Barbara Mission-California
Sather Gate, University Of California - California
Scene on Sherman Ranch near Geneso,Kansas
Scenic Highway 7 in The Arkansas Ozarks
Seal Pond,Belle Isle-Detroit,Michigan 1909
Seal Pond-Belle Isle-Detroit,Michigan 1911
Service Cine-Photographie -Quebec, Canada Postcard
Sherwood Gardens - Baltimore,Maryland
Similkameen River - Manning Park - B. C. , Canada Postcard
Smith Monument,Brandywine Park - Wilmington,Delaware
Sortwell Doorway - Wiscasset,Maine
Sousa's Memorial Fountain of Rainbows,Willow Grove Park - Willow Grove,Pennsylvania
South Battery and Flag Bastion - Fort Ticonderoga,New York
Spectacular Cody Road to Yellowstone Park - Wyoming
St. James Park-Los Angeles,California 1910
St. Mark's Catholic Church - Richmond,Kentucky
Stout Memorial-Pontiac,Michigan
Sunken Garden and Speedway - Memphis,Tennessee
Tabr Czech Days-South Dakota Postcard